Top 5 sustainable presents for christmas
Sustainable christmas presents.
Last year, I made a conscious decision to choose sustainable products for my Christmas presents. Like me, you probably get the most joy from giving presents. Nothing makes my heart beat faster than watching my loved ones unwrap my presents with excitement and their grins widening with joy!
It makes me even happier when my gift is not only well received, but also environmentally friendly. Fortunately, in times of climate change, more and more products are being designed with the mission of combining resource conservation and recycling with convincing design. Deshalb teile ich meine 5 besten Geschenkideen, damit das Weihnachtsfest nicht nur besonders sinnlich, sondern Nachhaltig wird.
The following gift ideas hit the mark!
Die Vase „Da Vinchy“ aus 95% recycling Kunststoff ist das perfekte Geschenk, wenn es um die Liebe zur Umwelt geht. Zur Herstellung wurde ausschließlich recyceltes PLA, kurz PLA-R verwendet, welches aus alten Toner- und Tintenkartuschen besteht. Die Vase wertet durch die 351 Polygone nicht nur jede Einrichtung auf, sondern definiert durch Strom- & Ressourcenoptimierung ohne giftige Abfallprodukte und nur einem CO2-Ausstoß von 380g, deutsche Herstellungsprozesse neu.
In mathematical terms, this means that 75.4 kg of plastic waste is produced per capita in Germany every year. For the production of our "Da Vinchy" vase from the Monolith series, this annual amount would correspond to approximately 785 vases. For this reason, the production of this vase is limited to 785 pieces.
It is manufactured in Berlin and therefore offers minimal transportation distances.
Überrasche deine Liebsten zu diesen Weihnachten mit einem besonders schönem und durchdachtem Geschenk.
Gift no. 2 - Recycling coaster
Dishes get a makeover with this set of unique coasters made from natural cork and recycled plastic from the sea. Place them on the table and impress your guests with the colorful, whimsical design while protecting against stains and heat damage. Not only do they look great, but they also do something for the environment.
Gift no. 3 - Bamboo cutlery and crockery from Saltwater Shop
Wie der Name schon sagt, ist der Saltwater Shop inspiriert von Themen rund um das Meer, Boardsport und Reisen. Daher haben sie ein vielfältiges Produktsortiment rund um diese Themen und unterstützen kleine Hersteller, die Werte wie Nachhaltigkeit, Fairness und Authentizität ebenso ernst nehmen. Sie bevorzugen lokale Hersteller mit individuellem und stilvollem Design und legen großen Wert auf Qualität. Das Set besteht aus einer Mischung aus Bambus und Mais! Es ist spülmaschinenfest und extrem robust. Erhältlich in verschiedenen Farben.
Gift no. 4 - Papero Bag
This backpack has convinced me and will delight everyone as a gift. The Papero Bags are not only a visual eye-catcher, but the result of ingenious development work in terms of materials and workmanship. The bags are made from washable recycled paper. This material not only conserves resources, but also reduces products of animal origin. Anyone with a rucksack on their wish list is guaranteed to be delighted with a sustainable Papero bag.
Gift no. 5 - Sourdough starter kit
With the organic sourdough from fairment and the help of millions of microbes, you can bake your own sourdough bread in your own oven. The kit from fairment contains everything you need to bake bread in your own home. The person you give the gift to will not only learn how to bake delicious and fragrant bread with ease, but will also adopt a more sustainable lifestyle by saving a lot of CO2. Waste from disposable packaging and emissions from transportation to the supermarket are saved.
Überrasche deine Liebsten mit Sauerteig für Brot, Pizza, Kekse und andere Backwaren aus deiner Küche. Das ist günstiger, nachhaltiger und dank der Fermentation des Teigs auch viel bekömmlicher.